
提交的提案 戴夫小结实习和体验式学习助理主任,以及 里根狄龙, 社交媒体/营销经理(学生员工), to the Association of University Career Center Communications Professionals (AU3CP) annual summer conference series was accepted. 主题:虚拟招聘周营销及经验教训. Dave和Regan将在今年夏天一起做演讲.


美国体操协会选择了U 贝基费拉罗 2020年度最佳助理教练.

根据在线学校报告,UB被评为最佳在线口腔卫生学士学位之一.com. (2020)


Three UB student teams participated in the AIS Analytics Challenge in which two student submissions were accepted into the finals, 一个人获得了第三名. 包括学生参与者 Trang阮, 马克斯Gbormittah, Krina Sanjay Shah, Sanjana Maras和ra Rangaraj, Tahseen艾哈迈德, 沛沛吴, An和 Mahant, 达善设 (2020)

三名UB室内设计专业的学生参加了国际艺术 & Design Competition 和 won scholarships towards master’s degree study at the prestigious Academia Riaci in Florence, 意大利. 参与者包括老年人 阿什利·奥唐纳卡米洛·埃尔南德斯和junior 雨果Faustin. (2020)


Michael Lohle博士, 商学院高级讲师, received an award at the 59th International Association of Computer Information Systems (IACIS) Conference for Best Paper, 在他们的期刊上发表的一篇文章获得了教育学类的荣誉奖 资讯系统问题. The article is titled “On Solid Ground: Testing a Theoretical Model For Student Team Project Delivery 和 Using it to Assess Student Team Crisis Management 和 Trust.”

Tarek Sobh, PhD, P.E., 哈佛大学执行副校长兼工程学院院长, 业务, 和教育 was awarded the prestigious 2019 IEEE Region 1 Technological Innovation (Academic) Award.

魏春娟,博士 受联合国邀请就联合国的发展问题发表演讲.S.(2019年10月).

奥马尔Abuzaghleh, 工程与技术助理教授, received the 第三 place prize award for his paper “Noninvasive Real-Time Automated Skin Lesion Analysis System for Melanoma Early Detection 和 Prevention” from the 2019 IEEE Engineering in Medicine 和 Biology Prize Paper Award selection committee.

马克·皮彻博士, 健康科学跨专业研究主任, PI在2019年4月的论文上吗, “美国高影响慢性疼痛的患病率和概况,” that was recognized as one of the top 10 news stories of the year on the Pain Research Forum.


Milkeera布朗 (CPSC硕士学生) 迈克尔·约瑟夫 (博士CPSE), Shawnoah波洛克 (硕士CPSC学生),和 哈立德·埃利西博士, associate vice president for 研究生 Studies Research 和 associate dean of the 工程、商业和教育学院, 他们的论文获得了最佳论文奖, 漏洞分析和建模,在哥伦比亚大学举行的第十届IEEE UEMCON 2019上说. (2019年10月)

Matheus利马, 电气工程的硕士生, 是2019年三州AAAEA奖学金的六名获得者之一. 自2009年以来, the Tri-State AAAEA has awarded over 60 scholarships to aspiring engineers 和 architects in recognition of academic excellence.

梅林达迪莱尔, 第四学期营养学学生, presented her poster 和 essay titled “Environmental Impact on Pre-Eclampsia 和 Potential Nutritional Interventions” at the American College of Nutrition annual conference in San Diego, CA. 她的论文获得了会议奖学金. (2019年11月)


林赛·克里斯滕森,19岁 presented a 研究 brief titled "The Applications of Personalized Nutrition in Lyme Disease Recovery" at the American College of Nutrition annual conference in San Diego, CA. (2019年11月)


埃琳娜·卡希尔,J.D.欧内斯特C. Trefz商学院,获 创业创新 & 领导奖 在由康涅狄格技术委员会主办的年度女性创新活动上. 以下是她的提名人提交的一段节选:“作为一名企业家, 律师, 和教育家, 埃琳娜·卡希尔(Elena Cahill)已经帮助数百人创建了新的企业. She founded 和 is a past director of the Student Entrepreneur Center at 正规的网赌平台 和 has been instrumental in the design 和 implementation of UB’s new Bauer Hall Innovation Center.”

该大学最近获得了四项著名奖项中的三项 美国教育委员会CT妇女网络(CTAWN). 第三位获奖者:格拉迪斯·恩杰里·穆图里.

Tarek Sobh, PhD, P.E., 哈佛大学执行副校长兼工程学院院长, 业务, 和教育获得了 CTAWN 2019高等教育女性之友奖. This award honors individuals who have distinguished themselves by creating opportunities for women to complete their higher education 和/or pursue careers in higher education in the state of Connecticut.

琳达·帕斯洛夫,艾德.D.是教育学院行政运作主任 CTAWN 2019新兴领袖奖. This award recognizes 和 honors a woman with at least five years of professional experience in higher education who has been a leader in the development 和/or operation of an office, 程序, or service that has significantly advanced women’s learning 和 development in the state of Connecticut.

马克·皮彻博士., 导演, 健康科学跨专业研究, 被选中参加2019- 2020年的五月天痛苦 & 社会奖学金:传播科学 & 改善护理计划.

正规的网赌平台 被认为是 CCNA学院课程卓越 因为它对思科网络学院的贡献. The annual award is presented to one academy in each region for achieving excellence in teaching its curriculum. The Cisco Networking Academy 程序 uses a rigorous process to select academies for this award based on student feedback scores 和 student performance.

Patricia Mulcahy-Ernt博士, was selected as a Council of Learning Assistance 和 Developmental Education Associations (CLADEA) Fellow. Selection into the Fellowship represents the highest honor conferred upon professionals in learning assistance 和 developmental education.

弗洛·麦克弗森,ND, 被选为美国顺势疗法协会的董事会成员, 美国最古老的医学协会.S. 成立于1844年.

卡罗尔·帕普,DNP, MS, RN-BC是卫生科学学院院长,是圣. 安塞姆学院(SAC) 2019年健康服务校友奖, 表彰学院校友或朋友在医疗保健方面的杰出成就, 研究, 实践, 健康教育.

凯利迈耶, 校园活动和公民参与主任, was recognized by the Fairfield County 业务 Journal as a 2019 Fairfield 40 Under Forty winner.

Ruba Deeb博士, director of Biomedical Research Development 和 associate professor of Biomedical Engineering & 技术管理, was awarded a certificate from the Stratford Partnership for Youth 和 Families in recognition of Making Extraordinary Differences And Leading Stratford (MEDALS).


格拉迪斯·恩杰里·穆图里布法罗大学的研究生,是该计划的两名获奖者之一 CTAWN 2019研究生奖学金. 她收到了2美元,000 scholarship which supports a graduate student who has been accepted to or is currently enrolled in a graduate 程序 in the state of Connecticut 和 whose academic interests are in the area of social justice or gender equality.

美国教育委员会 并向格拉迪斯颁发了高等教育女性领袖奖.

黛安娜Doodnauth她是全球发展硕士正规的网赌平台的一年级研究生 & 和平, 艾米Siranaula, 国际商务专业, have been awarded Critical Language 奖学金 (CLS) to study Korean in South Korea (the 10th 和 11th CLS awards for UB). CLS正规的网赌平台, an intensive overseas language 和 cultural immersion 程序 for American students enrolled at U.S. 学院和大学,是由美国.S. 政府. The CLS scholarship Program is highly competitive with only 10 percent of applicants becoming award recipients.

UB工业设计专业学生 香港的粉丝 (日产) (杨 (沃尔沃), Haocong你们 布法罗大学赤津新太郎设计学院(Shintaro Akatsu School of Design)排名第一, 第三, fifth in the Design for Traffic Safety Competition at the New York International Auto Show in NYC, 这是世界上最大的车展之一,参加人数超过100万. 这些学生总共获得了6美元的奖金,在车展的世界交通安全研讨会上获得了1000美元的奖金. 赤津新太郎设计学院院长Richard Yelle担任指导教师.

UB生物医学工程专业学生 Pegi Haliti气吴, 和一个高中生一起, placed 第三 among undergraduate 和 graduate students from institutions in the Northeast at an American Society for Engineering Education competition. 竞赛包括60个研究正规的网赌平台. Their project was titled “A Computational Approach for Cancer Invasion Manipulation through ECM Arrangement.Bhushan Dharmadhikari博士.D.博士后助教Prabir Patra博士担任顾问.D.生物医学工程主席,作为联合顾问. 纳瓦伦·古普塔博士.D., 电子工程副教授, 获得分部和分区优秀校园代表奖.

UB模拟联合国 代表团(12名学生)获优秀代表团奖, 这是纽约全国模拟联合国大会的最高奖项. The UB delegation was recognized at the conference’s closing ceremonies at the United Nations Headquarters. 来自世界各地的大约300所学校参加了比赛. 这是UB第二次获得这一荣誉. 魏南博士.D. 米格尔·阿罗约担任俱乐部顾问.

新晋长官.D. 毕业, 托马斯Nobili, 获得全国最佳论文三等奖, which was presented to him at the annual AERA (American Educational Research Association) convention in Toronto in April.

Three graphic design students swept the top three prizes in the "Br和ing Portfolio" contest at the 康涅狄格州商业竞赛和企业家会议,在纽黑文的盖特韦社区学院举行. 获奖学生是 Estefanic麦地那, 卫浴朱, Qiangying妞妞. 他们获得了奖杯和现金奖励.

Luanelly·伊格莱西亚斯, 2002年毕业于教育学院,获基础教育学位, 是乔治一世勋章的获得者吗. 桑切斯纪念奖. 该奖项每年颁发给促进西班牙裔儿童教育的教育家.

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